Monday, February 25, 2019

Train 18 :- fastest train in India

 Train 18 :- fastest train in India

Central government of India launch new train which called train 18 which is fastest train India runs on Indian tracks.

What’s the specialty of train 18 ?

Actually train 18 which also called as vande bharat express  Indian semi high speed intercity electric multiple unit.
It has designed by Integral coach factory (ICF), chennai under the make in India project of Indian government. India's first engineless train fully created by Indian engineers.

Today I  explained some facts about the train 18 (vande bharat Express) in which I try to solve all queries about this train.
So, Let's dive into this……….

Train 18

Train 18 under make in India project

Train 18 is one of the project of make in India affiliated by Government of India under this project the Integral coach factory (ICF), chennai designed this train just in a span of 18 months. Under this project two trains are constructed and It’s use in a replacement of Shatabdi Express out of 2 Indian Government launch 1 train on 15 February 2019 and other train will launch in March 2019. The best part of this train I like that is It’s manufacturing cost is just 100 crore Rupees (USD $14 million). If such type of train import from the Europe it’s cost 40%more than this.

Vande bharat Express Route

Vande Bharat Express or Train 18 will depart from Delhi at 6:00 AM to reach Varanasi at 2:00 PM. En route it will halt on the Kanpur station at 10:18 AM, stop for 2 minutes to depart at 10:20 AM and Prayagraj (formerly Allahabad) at 12:23 PM to leave at 12:25 PM. On the return journey, the Vande Bharat Express will leave from Varanasi at 3:00 PM to arrive in Delhi at 11:00 PM. On the way, it will stop at Prayagraj at 4:35 PM for 2 minutes and Kanpur at 6:30 PM for 2 minutes. Vande Bharat Express will run for five days a week – Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. On Monday and Thursday the new self-propelled train will undergo maintenance.

Train 18 Fare cost

Train 18 provide many facilities which cover Below . This train is very expensive for travelling but travelling experience is very high. So let the check ticket rates.
A ticket to New Delhi-Varanasi will cost Rs 3,310 for executive class (EC) and Rs 1,760 for the chair car (CC), including taxes. Between Delhi and Kanpur, the fares will be Rs 1,090 in the chair car (CC) class and Rs 2,105 in the executive class (EC). While the ticket price for travel between Delhi and Allahabad is Rs 1,395 for CC class and Rs 2,750 for the EC class, between Kanpur and Allahabad, the price for CC class tickets will be Rs 595 and for EC class tickets it is Rs 1,170.
Tickets are now available and can be bought over the counter or booked on

Engine less train Ideas Implementation

Train 18 is the engine less train It’s also first engineless train in India. This record is also on train 18.
Now It’s obvious to question If train 18 don’thave an engine then how it run on tracks?
Normally Traditional train has locomotive (Engine) which pull the wagon and train runs.

Train 18

Engineers brought a new concept. Why not to install Electric motor in each wagon to make them self propelled! Thus the Electric multiple units (EMU) were born. It eliminated a Single Locomotive Engine unit train system. With betterment in traction (Propulsion by electric motor) & braking system technology they are now used extensively in the world.

Features and Facilities in Train 18 Vande bharat Express

• Automatic open door system with retractable footsteps.
• High speed wifi with infotainment.
• Power saving Regenerative braking system.
• 360 degrees rotating chairs.
• Modular toilets with bio vacuum system.
• GPS based passenger information.
• CCTV in all coaches
• Maintain hygiene in each coach.
• Charging point on each seat.
• Emergency talk back unit
• Alternate coaches are motorised to ensure even distribution of power and faster acceleration or deceleration.
• Inter connected fully sealed gangways.

My option about train 18

I think train 18 is  the success of make in India. And this is the success of our engineers but If we think out the user experience then this train is much costlier than other train. But It also provide many facilities which make it enjoyable.
This my personal opinion. Now It's your turn. Tell me what you like about this train in comment …..

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